He is constantly mocked because of his bald head and big ears.
The town plays a key part in the narrative, as it is constantly mocked and criticized by Enid and Rebecca.
However, they are constantly mocked by other children and not accepted by them (Stuck Together).
We were constantly mocked and humiliated by the press.
He had very few friends and was constantly mocked by the conscientious students.
Henya was once considered to be a beautiful and courageous partisan fighter, yet now she is constantly mocked by native Israelis for her erratic behavior.
Scarecrow is constantly mocked by the crows in Oz, as he is defenseless and cannot do anything to stop them.
She is constantly mocked because her focus on vanity comes at the expense of domestic skills or common knowledge.
Constantly mocked by the other students of the school, Yen counts as his only friend the daughter of the resident master.