Viruses mutate constantly, many experts point out.
These images are constantly growing, constantly mutating, constantly being augmented by new material as it becomes available.
It's a nondiscriminatory borer,' they told him, 'which means that it constantly mutates.
But mostly it had to do with Strauss and our constantly mutating view of his work.
In Africa dance, like music, is mutating constantly.
They mutate constantly, in unison, subverting and absorbing Chrome's defenses.
However, viral genomes are constantly mutating, producing new forms of these antigens.
It looped back into itself and constantly mutated; Continuity was always writing it.
H.I.V. also mutates constantly and comes in many different varieties, factors that further complicate the search for a vaccine.
It seemed a living organism, constantly mutating as the symbols winked and moved.