"We are constantly raising the bar," he said.
Companies constantly raise prices to keep up, and this has been one of the major causes of inflation.
Along the trajectory of Cowen's research, he constantly raised new questions and created new avenues.
Women's groups constantly raise this issue, and those who temporarily drop out often say they would not have done so if flexible hours had been available.
Despite this, she constantly raised her hands, palms upward, as if to ask "Why are you doing this to me?"
The decision was evidently benefitted by the constantly raising population in those times.
"One of the most difficult things about my work is to constantly raise money to finance it," he said.
We are constantly raising the hurdles, creating barriers and imposing new conditions, so that it has become virtually impossible to get into Europe.
And just what is causing him to constantly raise his voice?
As you can see, the daily demands of police work constantly raise questions about how to properly enforce the law.