The diet, on which he worked for 35 years, constantly re-evaluating and improving it for himself, consisted of:
"Ergonomics should be constantly re-evaluating the changes to make sure the risk has actually been reduced."
It's a matter of constantly re-evaluating our concept of natural principles.
He's constantly re-evaluating who he is, what he thinks about the issues.
We're constantly re-evaluating our policies and procedures and we've just started doing regular customer surveys to learn what we could be doing even better.
He is constantly re-evaluating and updating his inventory, which began accumulating in the 70's.
He said he's constantly re-evaluating how long he plays.
"At this point, I say no, but I'm continuing to re-evaluate constantly."
The faculty constantly re-evaluates students' potential as film makers and makes dismissals accordingly.
The European Union must constantly re-evaluate its trade policies and the impact they have in this regard.