According to one perspective, it is directly from the Qur'an, constantly recited, meditated, and experienced, that Sufism proceeded, in its origin and its development.
By this time last year, I was having cravings for borscht, and Paul was constantly reciting a mantra that sounded something like "pizza, pizza, pizza."
No longer does he constantly recite the list of primaries and caucuses he has won.
She constantly recites her dream that her grandson, Gabriel, like France, will one day outgrow his small stature and become great.
They constantly recite the mantra Hari sharanam (Vishnu - "God the Redeemer our Refuge") or sing Vishnu's praises.
He developed a strong wanderlust at a young age, which he attributed to living near a busy port city, and growing up with a father who had traveled extensively and a mother who constantly recited fairy stories.
He eventually overcame his nerves, and got rid of his speech impediment by constantly reciting Shakespeare and Bolingbroke in front of a mirror, and became a noted orator and wit.
Mynah birds would constantly recite a morse code ...- (V for victory).
Finally, we must, I think, as Mr Wiersma has said, avoid the trap of constantly reciting history in this dispute.
Clinton and Gore constantly recite statistics that reflect well on their administration: more jobs, lower deficits, lower interest rates, fewer people on welfare, less crime.