The synthesis of these two seemingly conflicting ideals, Mr. Lears said, is replayed constantly through American history.
She had thought about him incessantly the day before, constantly replaying those remarkably carnal moments in his arms.
The players of the game are constantly replaying the game to see each and everyone of their choices coming to fruition.
He had it replayed constantly in the dressing room as the players dressed for last night's game.
"It's a slow adjustment," he said, adding that he too finds different images from Sept. 11 constantly replaying in his mind.
Brandy, now 6, constantly replayed in her mind a scene in which her father pummeled William.
I also thought of Palandine, constantly replaying our meeting in my mind.
He constantly replays the scene.
After the rare goal, Domi would ride his stick, a crude gesture constantly replayed by management.
With a television monitor constantly replaying the "60 Minutes" segment, delegates and officials buttonholed board members, beseeching them for their votes.