Besides the Technicolor visuals, the allure of a big marine tank is the constantly unfolding action on these underwater stages.
Within long-term cycles, millions of cycles of smaller degrees (fractals/recursions) are constantly unfolding.
The question of the Mao mausoleum has been linked to the corruption scandals that are constantly unfolding in your Administration.
comWith such knowledge to be gained from it, London remained a constantly unfolding series of wonders and diversions for Phillipe.
The city unfolded constantly before them, like a glorious flower.
That is me; that is how I have always been, even when I was young, constantly unfolding toward that kind of overwhelming vigor.
Pelican's rhythm section could be a little tighter, but the basic idea works like crazy: a constantly unfolding, droning music that provides a full sensory experience.
Its cool black surface was surrounded by an ornate frame, from which curls of greasy smoke constantly unfolded and drifted.
Now he was using his constantly unfolding machine to counter the most insidious attack of allon the soul of France.
Minor dramas among the children unfolded constantly, and the noise level rendered adult conversation almost impossible.