Every Soviet fisherman on the Pacific coast knew that American submarines constantly violated his country's waters.
We know that our own legal structure constantly violates integrity in this less dramatic way.
As a relentless flirt who constantly violates the dress code, she is not afraid to use her sexuality as a weapon, and Bikky is in awe of her.
In an affidavit Ms. Gheta said: "The materials and presentation by my teacher constantly violated and affronted traditional religious moral values.
What's more, Mr. Taylor constantly violates the terms of the agreement.
The General Ceasefire Agreement signed on 5 July 2001 was not respected by the NLA, who proceeded to constantly violate it.
Israel, the occupying power in the Palestinian territories, constantly violates human rights and international humanitarian law with complete impunity.
Is it an attempt to move closer towards the Syrian and Libyan dictatorships, which are constantly violating human rights?
Would the Council wish to use free trade agreements to support regimes which constantly violate human rights in Latin America?
The Barons of the PPA constantly violate ceasefires between the three warring factions.