The main constituents of the university include:
Other important constituents include motile and sedentary Rotifers.
The active constituents include tannins, resins, starch, taraxerol and taraxerone.
Mr. Roberts' constituents include wheat farmers who have been among the biggest beneficiaries of subsidies.
"And your constituents include those rogues who are already reaping their evil harvest?"
Mr. Schwarzenegger's constituents include many lively and vocal environmentalists.
Other organic constituents include vitrinite and inertinite, which are macerals derived from the humic matter of land plants.
The constituents of complete dry dog foods mimic a dog's natural diet and includes not only meat, but cereals and vegetables.
Chemically, the active medicinal constituents include camphor, terpenoids, and tannins.
But it would behoove our elected officials to recognize that their constituents, present and future (as they get citizenship) include these two groups.