He grounded sovereignty in this legal personality above and apart from its constituent members.
Obviously the constituent members of a mass-mind would have less than perfect respect for the mental integrity of individuals.
Each greater level of assembly has ruling authority over its constituent members.
He wrote: "A democracy cannot function effectively when its constituent members believe laws are being bought and sold."
Their main goals were to develop a coherent and universally agreed upon platform with which all of their constituent members would agree.
There was a clear link with past practices of fitting the ideology to the needs of the state rather than its constituent members.
The old writers union is now fumbling for a new life, even as its constituent members fall out among themselves.
That's a simple (and only partial) redistribution of wealth that displays how a society should value its constituent members.
The coalition was never formally organized, and the constituent members often disagreed.
Behind this report is a determination by the Board to take and hold the initiative over its constituent members.