Although every new constitution has failed at the ballot, many of the changes were made through legislation.
The proposed constitution ultimately failed in the U.S. Congress, which balked at adding two new western states.
But there is an additional provision that if two-thirds of the voters in 3 of the nation's 18 governorates, or provinces, reject it, the constitution will fail.
American and some Iraqi officials are worried that a constitution that does not take Sunni concerns into account could fail.
(This constitution also failed.)
Breathitt accepted, and although the proposed constitution failed, he remained committed to seeing the document updated.
If the constitution fails at the polls, Sunnis may realize that participating in electoral politics is a viable option for them despite their minority status.
The constitution needed a two-thirds majority to pass, but failed to muster a simple majority.
The constitution fails to provide an EU-conforming, modern, administrative structure.
The Prince threatened that if the constitution failed, he would, among other things, convert some of the royal property for commercial use and move to Austria.