That ruling cast constitutional doubt on an array of governmental affirmative action programs.
While regulation has ebbed and flowed since then, it was not until today that constitutional doubts about limits on corporate political spending were resolved.
But in the latest opinion, Judge Calabresi wrote that this argument gives rise to "serious constitutional doubt, based on rationality."
Any regulation of political speech would certainly come to the Supreme Court with heavy constitutional doubts.
Any constitutional doubts should be resolved in the context of an actual case, Justice Breyer said.
As we have argued on Capitol Hill, there are legislative alternatives that are free of constitutional doubt.
The Supreme Court today cast constitutional doubt on a wide variety of government hiring and contract programs to aid minorities.
After becoming a law teacher a few years ago, I found that my constitutional doubts about affirmative action were joined by pragmatic ones.
The Court's historic practice has been to construe statutes in a way that avoids constitutional doubts.
If the statute had penalized anyone who advocated violent overthrow of the government, Vinson held, there would be new constitutional doubts raised.