Nevertheless, it is recognised that individual governments may still face constitutional or practical impediments to subscribing to particular provisions of the Charter.
The majority held that the taxation was valid since the tax applied equally to all States, and there was no constitutional impediment to granting money discriminately.
But there appears to be no specific constitutional impediment to alternative transportation on Greyhound One.
There is no constitutional impediment to levying an income tax on compensation for a taxpayer's labors.
"If the Government can use secret evidence against resident aliens, then there is no real constitutional impediment to using it against citizens."
In the event that the magistrates ruled against Torres, there had been rumors that the presidential couple would bypass the constitutional impediment by filing for divorce.
In September 2007, the Australian church's appellate tribunal ruled that there was no constitutional impediment to women becoming bishops, but agreed to defer any appointments until 2008.
"It can't happen here" doesn't mean a thing unless there's a rigid constitutional impediment.
If there turn out to be constitutional impediments to stiffer fines for a particular group, how about another form of punishment?
They face constitutional, financial and practical impediments.