Regardless of what the board recommends, the program will be constrained by concern on Capitol Hill about spending.
The "How d'ye do's" were quiet and constrained on each side.
Until now, opposition politicians have been constrained on Iraq by the strong antiwar sentiment in this country.
The productivity of house development is pitiful and clearly constrained on the supply side by the land banking process.
But, also, he feels more constrained on home ground.
Public flexibility is constrained on the right by the military and on the left by the students.
Mr. Piano said that he did not feel constrained by the buildings already on the site.
"We're constrained on the truck production side, so cars look stronger," he said.
But he was still constrained by a $4,500 limit on the amount he could accept from each contributor.
We have a problem here, as the multiannual financial framework is too constrained on many points.