The Pakistani infiltrators had constructed several bunkers on Pt.
By the time the sun rose in the morning, the draeoni-ans had dug a defensive ditch around the perimeter of their camp, constructing bunkers at each corner.
The South Koreans had also constructed numerous bunkers, barbed wire obstacles and minefields on both banks of the river in order to strengthen defenses and to maintain troop morale.
During the Cold War, the United States constructed bunkers to help provide survivability to military command and government officials.
They constructed well-concealed and mutually supporting bunkers of timber and earth.
Construction materials including metal pipes, steel and cement are banned, since Israel fears could be used for building rockets and constructing underground bunkers and tunnels.
The army found that LTTE had constructed bunkers, dug trenches and implemented other defense measures closer to the camps.
They didn't spend their time constructing subterranean bunkers.
The cavalrymen found well constructed and sited bunkers with interlocking fields of fire covering all approaches, and deadly accurate snipers.
During the Second World War, the occupying German forces constructed bunkers in and alongside the ancient mound, now also transformed for museum interpretation.