The current high school building was constructed directly next to the original structure.
As another example, it has been proved that any logic function can be constructed directly from just one ChaoGate.
If there is a subbase course, the base course is constructed directly about this layer.
Constructed directly over Interstate 195, where its predecessor was, the new city hall was opened in 1976, after years of construction delays and quality control problems.
Woodlands Park is a new housing estate being constructed directly to the north of Brickhill.
The old city hall, which had survived two fires was constructed directly over the Quequechan River, the source of power for the early textile mills.
If the albuminous molecules and the cells were directly constructed from micro-atoms, they would be proportionally even smaller.
In the early 2000s a tunnel was constructed directly beneath the station's platforms replaced the dangerous level crossing that existed just north of the station.
To handle the additional passenger loads, a new ticket hall was constructed directly under the road junction.
These building are constructed directly onto the ledges and caves on the face of the cliffs.