On the left was a dam of relatively recent construction, built across a wide fissure in the rock wall.
The Egyptian structures are among the largest constructions ever conceived and built by humans.
We can assume that the construction of the 173-mile roadway, built in 1952, has been paid off for some time.
The winery itself is a massive construction, built of stone in the early 1900's.
Stone and wooden constructions built after the fire, have been preserved up to present days.
The constructions built during that time include approximately 100 large to medium scale hydraulic works.
The garage is of similar construction, built in 1941.
The palace is one of few civil constructions built for this purpose.
The bridge over the river is a 15th-century construction, built on a Roman base.
Since 2008 a shorter route has been under construction, mainly built for transit traffic.