The most palpable benefit from the earthquake is the boom in construction employment.
The letter also called for specific language in the legislation requiring affirmative action in construction employment, purchasing and contracts within the district.
In the past, construction employment often helped to lead the economy out of recession.
Measured from January 2008, construction employment was down 1.94 million as of October 2012.
If completed, the pipelines and terminal would provide about 62,700 person years of construction employment, aside about 1,150 more long-term jobs throughout Canada.
Others say it was intended to generate construction employment and was, only incidentally, a housing program.
Between 1984 and 1988, construction employment alone rose an average of 8.8 percent a year in the six New England states, the study said.
Rising construction employment is part of a wider picture of Long Island job and economic gains.
The manufacturing and service sectors accounted for most job gains; construction employment fell.
There was a surprising drop of 79,000 manufacturing jobs, while construction employment remained flat.