This construction enabled quick installation under oil-rig at any season.
The airframe's sound construction also enabled remarkable diving performance.
This construction enables the music to flow between these pods and into sections of the opera hall that are traditionally not considered good listenting areas.
The new construction enabled the city to create 15,000 jobs.
The construction of a coffer dam enabled land reclamation and excavations to take place.
Its construction enabled Niamey to expand onto the right bank of the river to the west.
The certificate signifies that construction has been completed and enables an owner to let tenants move in.
The construction of the Delhi-Dehradun four-lane highway will enable more economic development.
This construction enables it to act as a one-way valve allowing air (or fluid) to flow only one way along the drainage tube.
This additional construction enabled water to be delivered to the higher-lying areas of the city through pressurised pipes.