In September 2000 the school began construction of a 70,000-square-meter campus.
In five months the school grew from 31 students to almost 400, and discussions began about the possible construction of a new campus.
Long-term plans include the construction of a new campus near the present location.
A seven million dollar campus construction project was begun in the 1950s.
The campus construction plans that are not big and ambitious have value beyond their size.
Under her direction, the museum has undertaken the construction of a major new campus.
The campus construction will continue in mid-2009 and the whole campus is expected to be finished after two years time.
But he won praise for directing the construction of a new $750 million campus, which was completed in large part during his tenure as president.
Recently the university has started construction of a new campus that reached deals worth 25 million OR.
As of early 2011, construction of a new campus is currently in the late planning stages.