This would give filmmakers real motivation to make movies that inspire positive and constructive behavior.
All of us who work regularly in groups should try to identify our own defensive and constructive behaviour.
School assemblies are held several times a year where students are awarded for academic achievements as well as constructive behavior.
Includes a discussion about what would be destructive or constructive sexual behavior for male and female homosexuals and bisexuals.
The previous consequences gradually resolve on their own as new constructive behaviour is substituted.
Wilson's proposition that work itself provides the structure for healthy and constructive social behaviors is plainly true.
This program aims to teach inmates positive social skills and to change the core thinking to more constructive and beneficial behaviors.
It is also important to highlight the constructive behaviour of the countries in the region.
So this report is an important one, and I hope we can respond to it over the coming months and years with appropriately constructive behaviour.
This can only be realistic, however, if Russia for its part demonstrates a constructive, responsible and cooperative behaviour.