Ultimately removing the camp won't make the issues go away that led to it being established, rather it removs a constructive outlet for their expression.
His mother hoped to direct Pagán's high level of energy into a constructive outlet, and encouraged the child to play the sport.
Backward economic policies and repressive political regimes slip into societies that are without hope, where ambition and passions have no constructive outlet.
Ragey feelings now swirling around with no constructive outlet, so I'll just stop now...
The family is mostly relieved he has found a constructive outlet for his energies.
Weekly practice sessions and games provide constructive outlets for these at-risk children.
It suggests capitalist consumerism's suppression of eccentric social energies, which may fester into violence for lack of a constructive outlet.
If "Nevermind" is about anything, it's about the agony of blocked idealism, the way anger festers when it can find no constructive outlet.
In the midst of this, the therapist helps to provide constructive outlets for what is called the Angry Child Mode.
The only constructive outlet in his life during that time was athletics.