In particular, it accepts his claim that comprehension is both an integrative and a constructive process.
After years of grousing, can racing turn to a constructive process?
It is a constructive process, and it is working.
Perceptual constancy gives evidence that high-level constructive processes occur during perception.
Our ability to store and process what is going on around us relies on memory being a constructive, fallible process.
They did not think politics was a great constructive process, they thought it was a kind of dog-fight.
"We think it's the beginning of a constructive process," Richard Ravitch, the owners' chief labor executive, said.
Given an honest dialogue without prior conditions, the Tibetan people will take part in a constructive process of change.
It argues, overall, for a more constructive and transparent process.
This constructive process will give rise to a mutual, multilateral development and communal emulation through peer pressure.