Beyond his consular duties, he also promoted Belgian economic interests in Morocco, mainly in the textile and mining sectors.
In 1888 he returned to consular duties, spending a year in Kurdistan and seven years as military attaché to Constantinople.
'Bad luck,' said Meredith with sincerity, having suffered similar inconveniences in the course of consular duty.
She really was not happy performing consular duties in your stead.
The two countries signed an agreement on foreign trade in 1972 and established permanent trading missions in 1973; these offices assumed and maintained consular duties.
His first years were spent in Italy, where his father was occupied with his consular duties.
There was a middle-aged man dressed smartly, as if defecting from his consular duties to come join the crowds.
He resigned from consular duties and joined the Department of Justice in 1924.
It appears that he often found his consular duties to be a burden:
He returned to consular duties in Tokyo as Secretary of British Legation in 1885.