To support its relations with other countries and international organizations, the United States maintains diplomatic and consular posts around the world.
(g) continue to significantly reduce staff at Libyan diplomatic missions and consular posts.
Later, he held a number of other consular posts throughout China.
On July 2, 1881, in a Washington railroad station, an embittered attorney who had sought a consular post shot the President.
He held diplomatic and consular posts in Turkey and the Balkans.
One of the many functions a diplomat is called on to perform in a small consular post.
In another case, the court found that the individual was informed of their rights under Article 36 but had declined to have his consular post notified.
During the 1880's he explored many regions in Africa and held consular posts.
At a separate consular post, the official will have only a consular title.
Perhaps, he thought, it would be fruitful to urge Crassus to take the second consular post when the elections came.