He had been asked whether the men would consult their wives before taking the vital decision on when to return to Afghanistan.
People with high triglycerides should consult with their doctors before taking omega-3.
Then I shall insist that he consult the planet office before taking any action.
Consult with a doctor before taking krill oil if you are pregnant or planning to give it to a child.
Always consult with your doctor before taking iron supplements.
Individuals experiencing any of these conditions should consult with a doctor before taking.
No doubt Larine had told the young man of his promise to consult him before taking such a decision.
However, consult a doctor before taking any herbal supplements to ensure they are safe for you to take.
You should consult a lawyer before taking a step like breaking the lease, which would be a breach of the contract.
The team had been hoping to avoid the filing of a grievance by consulting with the union before taking action.