Bure recalled having "good relations" with Panthers management, who often consulted with him on team matters, including the acquisition of his brother.
Before making her final decision, she consulted many people, including Cher, to whom she grew closer in the days following Sonny's death.
"I want to consult with a lot of people about what our options are, including people who may disagree with me about the ultimate merits."
He says he still consults widely on technical issues, including centrifuges.
Gibson consulted several theological advisors during filming, including Fr.
Samuel consulted his whole family, including his wife, sister and children, if he had a difficult problem to resolve.
"I consulted with a lot of people, including Bill Clinton."
In this context, they will consult widely, including the government, civil society, the group of 24 and the United Nations.
We need to try to keep this dialogue as broad as possible, also consulting with wider sections of society, possibly including the indigenous peoples in particular.
Consult on electricity market reforms, potentially including the following proposals: