La Rocque and his colleagues testified before Congress, appeared frequently in the media, and consulted many national and international political leaders.
The commission included no Indian members and did not even consult Indian leaders and experts.
The First Lady said she should have consulted Hispanic leaders before calling on the White House to withdraw the clemency offer.
At the same time, Mr. Nusseibeh is one of the most oft-quoted and consulted Palestinian leaders.
Acknowledging tacitly that political power in Guatemala has spread, the businessmen also consulted Indian leaders and unionists, university rectors and newspaper editors.
"We consulted several leaders yesterday."
The Commission plans to consult local leaders on the results of its discussions.
She consulted great leaders of the past, each with their own achievements and flaws.
However, Roosevelt failed to consult Congressional leaders before announcing the bill, which stopped cold any chance of passing the bill in the House.
Administration officials said today that they planned to consult Congressional leaders next week on the new policy.