And Tom, without troubling to consult his friend, hung up the receiver.
But Joe can't even consult his old friend the police commissioner (who plaintively asks, "Is every cop in town dirty?")
He consulted his old friend, the designer Milton Glaser, who helped devise a master plan.
Sadie, Jesse's younger sister, shows their mother the video, who consults her best friend about her daughter's erratic and extreme behaviors.
Demschar didn't know, so he consulted his best friend, his wife.
He decides to consult his old friend Dastari to see if he can help.
Finally, we consulted our friend, the internet, who told us this:
That was a bid, so Marija reported, after consulting her friend; and then there was an anxious conference at home.
Before he began, Lewis consulted his friend, film legend Stan Laurel, about the script.
Instead she has decided to consult Patricia, her old friend and midwife at an independent clinic.