Read them carefully, and feel free to consult outside sources or a lawyer.
As they decide for themselves the best way to live, people can and do consult traditional sources of moral wisdom.
Harrison made in total either 467 or 473 league appearances depending on the source consulted.
He had ruled for thirty or seventy years, depending on the source consulted.
Next, the court would consult various other sources for evidence of some sort of moral consensus.
Current membership figures vary between 50 and 300 persons, depending upon the source consulted.
Make sure you've remembered to list your references and to provide a list of sources consulted.
It may also vary depending on the source consulted.
Particularly in the medical realm, it is wise to consult multiple sources rather than rely on any one source of information from the Internet.
The database is just one of many sources consulted in deciding antiterrorism grants.