On 29 January 2010, a tender to select consultants to assist the Minister for Communications in deciding on the way forward was issued.
Organizations address these issues through their own management development, but often they engage external consultants to assist them in establishing new policies and practices supporting a healthier worklife.
Do firms employ consultants to assist with marketing?
Environmental consultants assisted with the work, to ensure that the resident population of water voles were not harmed by the operation.
External consultants and Data Archive consultants will assist in designing the most cost-effective way of preparing the data for deposition.
The company did not hire any consultants to assist with the naming process.
And most of the farms hire Israeli consultants to assist in production, irrigation and fertilization.
Once a supplier is selected, outside consultants also assist in overseeing progress toward completion of the contract.
These consultants also assist companies with managing their online presence on blogs and popular social networking sites such as Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter.
This consultant would review the findings of the Thruway Authority and assist officials on both sides of the river develop appropriate questions during the lengthy review process.