One consultation, on the regulation of biotechnology in 1998, involved six two-day workshops as well as a large-scale survey.
He said that such consultations would probably involve the formation of low-level study groups and would not mark a major change in French policy.
But consultation must involve more than showcasing American proposals.
Direct consultation involves an individual with a skin condition contacting a dermatologist via telecommunication to request diagnosis and treatment.
The consultation involved four public exhibition with clear public support for the investments and the proposal.
Full consultation with my colleagues involves two days' work - this is fantastic, but it takes time.
EU membership is a big step for the countries concerned and it deserves the fullest possible debate and consultation involving the citizens of those countries.
The consultation will also involve the companies affected, the authorities and so forth.
However, consultation also involves exchange.
The consultation involved questionnaires being mailed out to all citizens for their opinions; some 917,000 or 11% were returned.