In fact, these subsidies have already begun consuming a disproportionate share of the nation's financial aid dollars.
Together they consume a full share of that gazpacho.
One problem is that the existing shuttle is still consuming a large share of the agency's budget.
They never took their eyes off each other, just watched as one consumed a share of succulence before passing it to the other.
Low-income voters, for whom the tax would presumably consume a larger share of their incomes, opposed the measure, while the wealthiest supported it.
The task of maintaining existing production levels has therefore come to consume a higher and higher share of national output.
That means health care will continue to consume an ever-greater share of the gross national product.
In addition, as buildings get taller, elevators consume an increasing share of interior space.
Studies show that the world's teenagers consume a disproportionate share of their families' income.
"The region has become an enormously expensive place to live, and housing costs are consuming a greater and greater share of income."