Some webmasters feel that Google's spiders consume too much bandwidth per month.
Unfortunately, increasing bandwidth often does not solve the problem, because P2P applications inherently tend to consume as much bandwidth as available.
Freeze-frame pictures consume less bandwidth on the satellite channel and so cost less.
At the highest data rates, this overhead can consume more bandwidth than the payload data frame.
It is estimated that in 2007 YouTube consumed as much bandwidth as the entire Internet in 2000.
The increased writes also consume bandwidth to the flash memory which mainly reduces random write performance to the SSD.
But it does consume bandwidth.
Internet bottlenecks provide artificial and natural network choke points to inhibit certain sets of users from overloading the entire network by consuming too much bandwidth.
The seismograph transmits data only after earthquakes greater than magnitude 3 and otherwise do not consume significant bandwidth.
Interlaced video is a technique of doubling the perceived frame rate introduced with the signal without consuming extra bandwidth.