Silence stretched between them, filled only by the quiet hiss of flames consuming coal.
But a meaningful rebound in commodity prices will probably wait until the economies of Asia actually turn around and begin to consume more oil, copper, coal, fish and vegetables.
He uses William James's analogy to illustrate this fallacy: although an ocean liner always consumes coal on its trans-Atlantic voyages, it is unlikely that the sole purpose of these voyages is coal consumption.
On December 10, a fire destroyed the commercial buildings consuming potatoes and coal.
China consumes more coal than any other country.
British officials did not worry about this, as North Sea operations consumed less coal and thus kept the ship at the same effectiveness as the King George V class would have had in the Mediterranean.
But the clerical position had not been forthcoming, either for Letty or her, and day by day their little hoard dwindled, though the room rent remained normal and the stove consumed coal with undiminished voracity.
However, last year the world consumed more coal, more oil and more gas than in 1995, and by significant amounts, and not only in developing countries.
The companies Pohjolan Voima, Fortum, Helsingin Energia and Rautaruukki consume coal most.