According to California state officials, approximately 45 state residents consumed pork from hogs that had been fed melamine-contaminated feed.
Due to Islamic prohibitions against consuming pork, Ben Ali never consumed some of his restaurant's popular offerings.
It also serves as a halal version of the dish catered to Muslims, whose religion forbids them to consume pork.
Is it unsanitary to consume pork that you found in a bar?
The majority of Malaysian Malays are Muslim and therefore most do not consume pork since Islam forbids it.
Visitors are advised to abstain from consuming pork on the eve of the day of visit and throughout their stay there.
Consuming pork or alcohol is offensive to locals, unless one consumes it secretly at their own house.
(It does not mention that Jews, who use those products too, are also forbidden to consume pork.)
However, the living Ding family members themselves consume pork.
Finally, with the chopsticks, consume the savory crab meat or pork with the dipping sauce of vinegar, soy and ginger.