The house-to-house battles, deadly sniper fire and heavy shelling have consumed thousands of lives.
Sri Lankans sell and consume thousands of them on daily basis.
I consume thousands of calories of pasta even when I don't ride.
For example, a person may eat several fish that have fed on hundreds of shrimp that had consumed thousands of protozoans.
Chip makers consume thousands of wafers and spend months in tests to decide whether a wafer company is qualified to supply them.
An industrial-scale smelter typically consumes hundreds of thousands of amperes for each cell.
Even so, bats are among the most useful creatures, with each consuming thousands of insects every night.
The work has consumed thousands of hours and a fair amount of their money, but there are rewards, they said.
Each year, the jungle alone consumed thousands from disease, from attack, from injuries.
For example, the article said, some workers consumed electricity normally worth thousands of dollars a month because they were reselling it.