Hardy kiwi vines consume large volumes of water; therefore, they are usually grown in well-drained acidic soils to prevent root rot.
The most common cause is when the horse is on box rest and/or consumes large volumes of concentrated feed, or the horse has dental disease and is unable to masticate properly.
Not because Europe consumes vast volumes of commodities, but because any easing of lending to global businesses will stifle demand.
Americans, it is true, consume positively staggering volumes of fluids.
Main line steam locomotives consume considerable volumes of water, and the tender or side tanks need to be replenished at intervals.
Larry Kengel The answer(s) to this inquiry would and has consumed volumes of books and articles for centuries, and the answers have changed, but here are some thoughts: 1.
Readers consume volumes of it, and then ask to meet the author.
Young individuals less than 10 cm in length consume considerable volumes of copepods and minor amounts of polychaetes, but once they reach around 10 cm, the diet shifts to a polychaete-dominated one.
They can consume large volumes of water at a rapid rate considering they are such small entities.
But kidney specialists warn that consuming large volumes may cause a build-up of toxic waste similar to that seen in patients who suffer kidney failure.