Some lawyers advise consumers not to accept documents that are altered with it.
By failing to read the documents, the judge said, consumers had accepted Gateway's terms.
Carl Levine, a licensing agent, said he felt consumers would accept the line no matter what.
It is also the one prestigious wine the consumer will accept without a vintage date.
Or, more often, "The consumer will never accept it."
"Smart meters can bring many benefits, but consumers won't accept them at any cost, or from suppliers they don't trust," he said.
In the past Japanese consumers were patient and accepting.
A result is that consumers are accepting as normal annual price increases in the 4 to 5 percent range for a wide variety of products.
But the real advantages of gas grilling cause many consumers to ignore the high price tags or at least to accept them.
Let me say a few words on the situation in the European Union and what we expect the consumer to accept.