Brand association research - what do consumers associate with the brand?
BEPs are measured by the degree to which consumers associate brands and contacts.
Brand awareness is the extent to which the consumer associates the brand with the product he desires to buy.
No herbicides or pesticides are allowed in the growing process, and modern consumers associate the production with more recent organic teas.
There was no transition from one category to another, and consumers could not associate the image-name-brand with anything other than its primary product offering.
This will allow consumers to associate each product in your range with a consistent set of values which they know.
The problem is that most consumers associate family with the traditional family, which is not representative of the American landscape, he said.
Some consumers may associate his collection with what their ancestors lived with - and forgot to leave behind.
The consumer for decades has associated "suds" with cleaning ability, because that was true decades ago.
Green brands are those brands that consumers associate with environmental conservation and sustainable business practices.