Yeah, the two OSes fighting over the remaining 8% of the consumer desktop is where it's AT, baby!
Eventually these rocketchips will land on the consumer desktop, bringing better games, voice recognition and video processing to the computer screen.
Lucent Technologies, a major developer of industrial-strength speech-recognition technology, has turned its attention and expertise to the consumer desktop.
In 1998, Apple's lack of an entry-level consumer desktop was soon to be history.
This is the first OSS OS on which I would put a bet that it will break through into consumer desktops.
The design was clearly influenced by Apple's consumer desktop, the iMac.
Last month Compaq announced that it was converting its consumer desktop PC's from beige, with some color panels, to black-and-silver designs.
Do you work on putting Linux on the consumer desktop?
Measured in dollar terms, consumer desktop and notebook sales are even.
The company, formerly known as the Gator Corporation, built a business covering consumer desktops and publisher Web sites with pop-up ads.