Surely it's hard to resist such a development in this age of consumer empowerment and in a newly deregulated and increasingly competitive legal services market?
The report discusses many theories surrounding social marketing, including the importance of the push/pull dynamic and online consumer empowerment, authenticity and importance of buzz marketing.
The Association actively lobbies for consumer empowerment in Fiji in light of the economic changes affecting the small island nation.
As baby boomers turn 50 in an era of consumer empowerment, they are taking charge of their health care.
The Government has announced a ground-breaking partnership with 26 organisations to deliver a new era of consumer empowerment.
"It's part of the post-60's consumer empowerment, where everything can get caught up in commercialization," Professor Laderman said.
Firstly, I would like to focus on consumer empowerment and I would like to highlight the need to raise the level of financial literacy.
I see the issue of consumer education as a key issue for consumer empowerment.
The result, depending on how you look at it, is either a new level of consumer empowerment or an appalling intrusion on people's privacy.
Promoted consumer empowerment, self-determination, and independence in vocational rehabilitation service delivery.