Jobs helped produce expensive consumer gadgets, he didn't cure cancer (guess that would have been more useful to him if he had though).
Most personal computer makers scoff at the notion that they could be unseated by such consumer gadgets.
This guy marketed overpriced shiny plastic consumer gadgets (toys for adults), all of which people could easily live without.
But in reality he was just extremely good at marketing and creating a demand for shiny overpriced consumer gadgets.
This industry - which assembles things like personal computers and various consumer gadgets - got little notice until recently.
Last year, the company began opening a chain of retail stores that emphasize consumer gadgets that can be used with its computers.
The memory chips are key parts in computers, satellite television and innovative consumer gadgets.
But over a consumer gadget outside a retail store?
In particular, we are looking at IT and consumer gadgets as areas to expand.
A growing range of cheap consumer gadgets are providing data for the 'quantified self'.