The statistics say that businesses and consumers are at least holding their own.
Tax cuts increase demand when consumers hold back because of, say, a recession.
Mr. Kessel said that if too many companies leave in a short period, "it would leave other business and consumers holding the bag."
They would then drive up the value by pressuring investors and overstating the companies' prospects, and demand that consumers hold on to the stocks.
This is at odds with data from Germany yesterday, showing that consumers in Europe's biggest economy were holding their nerve.
At the end of the contract, the consumer holds no equity in the vehicle and can either return the car to the dealership or buy it.
But the consumers who are supposed to be buying these products are holding back, anxious about their jobs and fearful of piling up more debt.
We must not lose sight of the fact that the consumer holds the trump cards here.
The consumer, who represents two-thirds of the U.S. economy, is at least holding back, restraining spending.
Most consumers will hold onto those dollars until sometime next week, just in case their worst fears are once again confirmed.