Mr. Zutaut also contends that the practice is legal because it represents a fair use of music that consumers already own.
There is overlap, though, as many consumers own die grinders, and many industrial users have rotary tools.
He predicted that after 2009, "consumers will own their own 3-D glasses in the same way they have sunglasses for going outside."
They are worried that American assets, the things that businesses and consumers own, may be worth a lot less than we thought they were.
Single sales were moderate because most consumers already owned the song by simply owning the album.
The crash of '87, for instance, did not do anything to the economy, mostly because the average consumer didn't own any stocks, I believe.
To watch video now, consumers must own a phone with video capabilities and pay a service fee to receive broadcasts.
At that time, not many consumers owned a VCR, and those who did tended to rent rather than buy videos.
It is not easy to make money off a product that consumers must install themselves when the consumers already own Microsoft's version, which comes already installed.
Lately, it has become increasingly hard to sell consumers and corporations new computers because so many consumers and businesses already own them.