Since then, the yield on the 10-year note - a major influence on mortgages and other consumer rates - has fallen from 4.14 percent.
The 30-year bond's yield is an important benchmark for mortgages and other consumer rates.
It means consumer rates are not going to go up because of the source of power.
Do you think we'd sell some automobiles, if the prime rates were 5 and the consumer rates were 6?
But once such costs were recovered, consumer rates would be expected to fall.
If the judge agrees that the costs the utility has incurred can be passed along, consumer rates could rise within seven days.
It tends to rank in the middle on consumer rates and has yet to introduce a free checking account.
The law cut consumer rates by 10 percent and established future price caps.
We listened to them closely during the 1990's, and don't remember any of them calling for higher consumer rates at the time.
The Fed's policy has helped to keep other consumer rates, besides home equity loans, above 10 percent.