As banks know, many consumers do not read the disclosures.
But consumers, about two-thirds of whom change their own oil, generally do not read laws and may not even know they are doing something illegal.
The Supreme Court just ruled 9-0 that consumers can no longer read, watch, or listen to any content at all, ever.
Online consumers should also read the privacy policies of Web retailers to make sure they do not distribute personal information.
Such electronic services could allow consumers to read the news, pay bills, make airline reservations and buy items through home computers.
Many companies provide sustainability reports that consumers can read to educate themselves about the companies they buy from.
But the companies say they have little choice but to advertise in the media their consumers read and watch.
But will those ingredients be enough to entice consumers to read it?
Critics also question if consumers even read privacy policies or can understand what they read.
We strongly recommend that all consumers read and follow label instructions prior to use.