The typical American household that takes advantage of consumer rebates saves an average of $150 annually.
Manufacturers pay dealers cash incentives and often offer consumer rebates or low-interest loans to clear the old models from dealer lots to make room for the new ones.
The funding it provides will allow the generation of electricity from renewable sources, and provide consumer rebates for the purchase or lease of "clean alternative fuel vehicles".
For the past year, Ford, Chrysler and G.M. have been paying an average of $900 to $1,100 per vehicle in consumer rebates.
Provides $300 million in consumer rebates to buy energy efficient appliances to replace old ones to lower energy bills.
They are especially focused on retrofitting residential and commercial buildings to reduce their energy consumption and give them the ability to provide consumer rebates for large-scale energy efficiency investments.
Consequently, auto makers have resorted to paying stiff consumer rebates to maintain sales volume.
But using all of the revenue to provide consumer rebates - as some lawmakers propose - would be counterproductive because that would foster only more consumption.
In 1999, ACB expanded service offerings to include the management and payment of consumer rebates on behalf of these major manufacturers.
If you know how consumer rebates and incentives work, you can also use that information to find the best deal.