He looked bleak when discussing the consumer revolt.
Much as a consumer revolt would be awesome, it just isn't going to happen, it can't be left to us.
Moreover, an Internet service provider that denies customers access to content risks a serious consumer revolt.
So far, the rate increases have not ignited a nationwide consumer revolt like the one that prompted the Government to roll back rates in 1993.
The bank charges campaign is the biggest consumer revolt since the poll tax riots.
Cable companies have responded to the consumer revolt by cutting rates and improving local service.
The stakes are rising partly as a result of the consumer revolt against highly restrictive managed-care health plans in the last few years.
In California, high automobile insurance rates have inspired a consumer revolt and a set of ballot initiatives aimed at controlling costs.
As for a consumer revolt, don't hold your breath.
The issue goes beyond the increases in the cost of insurance that has prompted consumer revolts across the country.