If the information search is insufficient, the consumer may search for alternative means to satisfy the need/want.
The consumer is searching for bargains in every type of expenditure.
This will allow consumers to search for items in a number of categories including apparel, toys, computers and travel.
Shustir permits small businesses to set up standalone, virtual storefronts on its site that consumers and other businesses can search.
Most consumers are searching for unbiased opinions, a niche that blogs can fill.
At www.safetyalerts.com, a site operated by Worldwide Alerts, consumers can search for recall information or find manufacturing lot numbers or codes.
Environmental concerns, fast depreciation of goods, and a more transient workforce also mean that consumers are increasingly searching for rentals online.
According to Reuters, over 9 million consumers will search online for legal services each month.
But the real cutting edge is a new part of the Web site that permits consumers to search for the lowest prices and apply online if they wish.
Yet in most department stores across the country, the consumer will search in vain for a domestic-made sweater.